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We'd like to remind you that fraud is increasing. Scammers often use spoofed bank phone numbers and ask you to make fund transfers. Please check the payee's name carefully as the payee's bank won't verify it before making a transfer. If you suspect fraud or have any doubts, you can dial 165 to reach the anti fraud hotline.

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Listening to what you have to say about services matters to us. It's easy to share your ideas, stay informed and join the conversation. To improve the protection of customers' rights for the elderly or customers with special needs, the Bank provides relatives or friends to accompany them to participate in the communication to understand the product information, and provides enough time to consider whether to apply for related products. Please contact us via contact center (02)6616-6000 or email if any doubt/concern or further explanation is needed.
Credit card loss report service hotline (02)6616-6861
For information on the loss reporting services of the other credit card issuance institution,please click here to read more about loss reporting services on other credit card issuance institution. (THE BANKERS ASSOCIATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA)